How to resolve “TypeError: require.context is not a function” in JestIn Handoff, we use Webpack’s require.context function, to dynamically load JavaScript files.Apr 26, 2021261Apr 26, 2021261
Convert Bitbucket Mercurial repositories to GitAs mentioned in, Bitbucket will stop support for Mercurial…May 21, 2020May 21, 2020
Get rid of ‘Gem::Specification#rubyforge_project=’ deprecation warningsRecently I ran into the error “Cant find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle” when installing a bundle in a Ruby project.May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
Installing amazon-ecr-credential-helper on Ubuntu 18.04For a customer project of mine, I needed to install Amazon ECR Docker Credential helper. Sadly, as referenced in this issue…Apr 27, 2020311Apr 27, 2020311